Peace: Nuclear Weapons Are Causes Violence

John von Neumann was a brilliant mathematician and physicist who made a brilliant contribution in the field of quantum mechanics; he also developed the atomic bomb. His work is the foundation of a modern understanding of the complex field and its potential destructive power. What is quantum mechanics? Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with behavior and energy at the atom and sub-atomic levels. He proposes that matrix mechanics, a branch of physics still in use today, describes a quantum system’s quantum behavior.

Figure-1: Havoc after Nuclear use
Figure-1: Havoc after Nuclear use

Manhattan Project and Game Theory

Manhattan Project (The United States embarked on an unparalleled, classified World War II government initiative to expedite the development and deployment of the world’s earliest atomic weapons, aiming at beating Nazi Germany). During this project the John von Neumann was the key member, the first bomb 1945 successfully detonated. John von Neumann was also the pioneer in the field of Game theory (Game theory is the study of mathematical models for strategic interactions. Many fields of social science, including economics, logic, systems science, and computer science, extensively use game theory).

Figure-2 World's Earliest Atomic Weapons
Figure-2 World’s Earliest Atomic Weapons

Historical Perspective

From H.G Well’s dreaming of the flying machine in the 1914 to the gruesome weapons of the Second World War. During the World War II in 1938, scientist from Germany chanced on nuclear fission and hence the production of atomic bombs. Thus, the Truman-initiated Manhattan Project produced the successful Trinity test on July 16th of 1945 and later used uranium-based gun-type Little Boy on Hiroshima followed by plutonium-based implosion-type Fat Man on Nagasaki, thus killing between 70,000 and 80,000 people instantly and Tens of thousands more due to radiation. Political conflict increased when the Soviet Union conducted their first nuclear bomb in 1949 followed by the US increasing its own efforts. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons signed in 1968 was to stop nuclear weapons accessing other states; however today countries such as North Korea withdrew from the treaty and conducted nuclear tests in 2017, said they have a missile that could reach anywhere in the U. S. , and revived nuclear concerns.

Figure-3 Nuclear Fission and Hence the Production of Atomic Bombs
Figure-3 Nuclear Fission and Hence the Production of Atomic Bombs

Concept of Self-Replicating Machines

Self-Replicating Machines: It is capable of independently creating replicas of itself by utilizing resources obtained from its surroundings. The concept of the Self-Replicating Machines introduced by the John von Neumann. This machine has the ability to re-produce and make copies, creating their own design and structure. This idea has a significant impact on artificial intelligence. According to the Hindi technology calendar, manufacturing companies use machines, and the medical and medical industries employ robots. The idea of self-replicating machines is to create opportunities to adopt and learn new things, thereby enabling the evolution of artificial intelligence.

Figure-4 Self-Replicating Machines
Figure-4 Self-Replicating Machines

The World without Tolerance

In “The World without Tolerance: War and Conflict,” a prophetic speech addressing the current state of the world. Of course, the European Union countries have had their “dual use” industries proliferate since their establishment, while the US has been pursuing its wars for the last decade; however, the author is right in stating that people and nations have to choose if they want freedom and democracy, otherwise they will be branded as the apprehension about the growing radicalism and aggression among the populace, warning that it could potentially escalate into actual warfare. He brings up the subject of chemical weapons, and in the context of Hawaii and Japan, he suggests that Japan may have attacked Pearl Harbor Japan. This underscores the mayor’s appreciation for the general theme of unity and tolerance in times of conflict and war.

Figure-5 The World without Tolerance
Figure-5 The World without Tolerance

The E.M Forster

Forster discusses the significance of tolerance in contemporary society. Being tolerant means, openly and without malice, accepting the perspectives of others. Tolerance is absolutely necessary for peaceful coexistence in the modern world, which is characterized by the mixing of different cultures and religions. As the Nazis demonstrated, the alternative to intolerance is always a path that leads to destruction.

Figure-6 the World with Peace
Figure-6 the World with Peace

Dr. Abid Hussain Nawaz

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