Did The Future Already Happen? The Paradox of Time

Is universe predetermined? Did Future Already Happen? Let’s dive in the paradox of time. Time is a fascinating concept, often of it as straight line, moving from past to future. But what if it’s not simple? Einstein showed that time is relative. It can stretch and bend, influencing by speed and gravity. It means your future could be someone else’s past. Theoretical Physics suggests that possibility of wormholes and time loops, could be phenomenon means that events we perceive as future, had already had happened in another part of the universe. Think about technology innovations, we want to strudel off, are now reality e.g., self derived cars, AI in space travel with these glimpses of the future that already existed in the realm of possibility. So, did future predetermined? It is a mind-bending question with no clear answer. But one thing is sure that time is more mysterious, than we ever imagined.

Did the Future Already Happen?
Figure-1: Did the Future Already Happen?

Block Universe Theory

According to block universe theory, this universe is imagined as a block. In this block past, present, and future can coexist. It means, someone’s future could be the past of another one (at any other part of universe). It explores that the sequence of time, which we experience is an illusion. So, this shows that our future is predetermined, which is also question to our free will that if our future is preplanner then our choices are illusions only. All properly working clocks, are synchronized.

Einstein’s Theory

Einstein’s theory gives flexibility of time with speed and gravity and time cannot characterise the present, past or future. The moving clocks run slow as twin paradox. This notion is aligning with the block universe theory, according which all moments are coexisting. But how is it possible? Core idea is, efficient clocks with same standard, will give same results. This consistency of time shapes our perspective, but not coincided by relativity.


It is a belief that a set of laws holds for the universe and future is made fix as past. So, everything is just happening in a way as decided already and there no free will. As, our previous experiences, preferences, and circumstances decide our future. So, life is unfolding of script, preordained by laws of universe. Even scientific experiments are controlled by hidden variables beyond our approach.  Because according to radical theory, nature of universe is unrevealed to us. So, there is no free will but everything is pre- programmed.

Andromeda Paradox

 Depending upon your movements on earth, you can see the Andromeda galaxy in different states in same time, a relativity paradox happens at very small speeds, even at jogging speed. Let’s do this experimentally at cosmic scale and suppose that two walking friends pass each other in the street. Meanwhile, a decision to launch an invasion fleet toward Earth, is made by an alien in Andromeda galaxy. There are two versions of events, one is that decision had made and second is fleet is launched. These both versions are dependent of observer’s movement. The strange nature of time is revealed by this hypothetical scenario. The Andromeda’s light takes 2.5 million years to collide with Earth but same event is seen by two observers is different due to their relative motion. If time flow is not uniform, is the future predesigned? And what about free will?

The Universe in The Mind of The Man
Figure-2 The Universe in The Mind of The Man

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics say that everything in the universe is not pre-programmed. As neuroscience predicts that brain responses differently to same stimuli, show flexibility and randomness in decision making. Our concept of time and existence is challenged by quantum physics. Time is not continuous but in form of invisible discrete unit, as suggested by loop quantum theory. As block universe theory by quantum due to its discrete nature. Quantum mechanics says that future is not predetermined for everything. The discrete nature of time challenges the previous classical theories.


The term time is too complex to understand exactly. Is universe predetermined? Did Future Already Happen? Let’s dive in the paradox of time. Einstein showed that time is not absolute but relative. It means your future could be someone else’s past. The possibility of wormholes and time loops, could be the evidence for predetermination of future events. As block universe theory, Super determinism, Einstein’s theory of relativity, and Andromeda Paradox supports this concept that future is preordained. But quantum mechanics claims that all events are not predetermined by the universe because according to loop quantum theory, time is also in form discrete packets. However, the question about pre- programming of all future events is not solved, yet.


Zeenat Mushtaque, MPhil Solid State Physics

Dr. Abid Hussain Nawaz, Ph.D. & Post Doc

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