Character Assassination: Killing People without a Weapon

To deliberately and persistently damage the credibility and reputation of a person, group, institution, country, or other entity is the definition of character assassination. This article is about the character assassination, keep your mind on the goals and aspirations you have made for yourself. Reading uplifting books can give you the strength to face down the people who are trying to bring you down and your character. The cheaper in society and at the workplace damage your character when they feel jealous and do not want to look at you as effective and efficient.

 Divine Books about Character

Because everyone is created by God Almighty, the Maker of all, humans must treat one another with full honor, respect, and loving-kindness. (Qur’an, 17:70). Surah Al-Isra, also known as Surah BaniIsra’il (Chapter 17), is the best surah to get respect from other people.

If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat;

And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;

For so you will heap coals of fire on his head,

And the Lord will reward you.

The north wind brings forth rain,

And a backbiting tongue an angry countenance.

Proverbs 25:21-23 New King James Version (NKJV)

Enemies of the lord will flee is holy face, but the Lord will laugh as he knows their days are numbered. (Psalm 37:13, Psalm 68:1)

Holy Books Explain Character Explanation
Holy Books Explain Character Explanation

How Do We Explain The Character?

Character is a combination of qualities that make someone special, admired, and regarded as valuable. It is people’s opinion about whether you are a good or bad person, and whether they can trust you or not. Character is a combination of different important moral, ethical, and social values such as honesty, courage, dedication, intelligence, etc. When assassination is unrelated to human life, its purpose is to intentionally damage a person’s reputation, character, or social standing, motivated by malice or corruption. Attacking an individual’s personal conduct and actions aims to inflict financial, emotional, professional, and social harm.

How Do We Explain The Character?

Character Assassination Is a Deliberate and Sustained Process

Character assassination refers to a purposeful and continuous procedure that undermines the credibility and reputation of an individual, institution, organization, social group, or nation. Individuals who engage in character assassinations utilize a combination of overt and covert strategies to accomplish their objectives, including making unfounded allegations, spreading and nurturing rumors, and manipulating data. Assassination refers to the deliberate and intentional act of attempting or successfully killing a person of significant importance. Character assassination is the deliberate act of damaging someone’s reputation or credibility, typically without resorting to physical harm. This exhibits the demeanor of a psychopath.

Factors of the Character Assassination
Factors of the Character Assassination

Factors in the Character Assassination

If the character assassination program hits the target successfully, the outcome and impact are equally or more painful and harmful than the physical assassination of a person or organization. Usually, we use this phrase in a specific context. We can also use it to refer to a society or organization. It is always a devilish idea to hammer someone’s character and personal life with a bad intention to take revenge, diminish or ruin the opponent, or for self-promotion or self-satisfaction. Before assassinating others’ characters, we should keep in mind that the same fate can befall us. No one on earth is pure and transparent. And life is not permanent. We are all mortals, and we must leave this world with an empty hand. Greed, jealousy, and desire are the root causes of character assassination.

Shouting Behavior in Character Assassination
Shouting Behavior in Character Assassination

Persuasive Attacks and Its Effects

There are three important reasons for studying persuasive attacks. To begin with, a persuasive attack is a commonly employed method of communication. Icks and Shiraev contend that throughout history, individuals from various social positions, professions, and beliefs have consistently endeavored to undermine or obliterate the credibility of their adversaries with the aim of achieving political victories, discrediting unwelcome information, or settling personal grievances. Furthermore, researchers in the field of communication have dedicated considerable effort to comprehending messages that serve as responses to an attack, such as persuasive defense or image repair.

Persuasive Attacks and Its Importance
Persuasive Attacks and Its Importance

Discourage Such Behavior: Irrational Attacks

It is crucial to recognize that a persuasive attack is not inherently or universally immoral. Certain individuals, collectives, and entities have engaged in acts of aggression and caused significant harm to the standing and credibility of individuals, groups, or organizations who are not guilty of any wrongdoing. We should actively discourage such behavior, as it is highly reprehensible. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms behind persuasive attacks can facilitate the identification and debunking of baseless or irrational attacks. Several factors demonstrate the potential impact of persuasive attacks.

Discourage Such Behavior: Irrational Attacks
Discourage Such Behavior: Irrational Attacks

In Politics, a Persuasive Attack

A persuasive assault can also assist voters in their decision-making. Participating in a disputed election involves making a fundamentally comparative choice. Individual voters choose the superior candidate based on the criteria that hold the highest importance to them. Superiority can be demonstrated in two ways: by emphasizing one’s own strengths or by exploiting the weaknesses of the opponent (a third function involves defending or refuting attacks). Persuasive attacks can influence individuals’ voting decisions in elections. Criticisms of political candidates can be unfounded and defamatory; candidates may resort to mud-slinging, engaging in inappropriate and manipulative attacks. We must vehemently denounce such assaults.

Persuasive Attack in Politics
Persuasive Attack in Politics

Researchers Work on Character Attacks

Ryan developed an early approach to understanding persuasive attacks in rhetorical literature. He observed that accusations may focus on policy, character, or both. King and Anderson identified a genre known as the rhetoric of polarization, defining it as “the process that divides an extremely diversified public into two or more highly contrasting, mutually exclusive groups, who share a high degree of internal solidarity in those beliefs that the Criticisms of Actions and Character persuader consider salient.”  Pfau and Kenski’s book, Attack Politics, provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of the use of the attack message approach in contemporary political campaigns. Jamieson’s Dirty Politics is a book that focuses on political attacks.

Researchers Work on Character Assassination
Researchers Work on Character Assassination

Recent Research on Persuasive Assault and Character

Benoit, Klyukovski, McHale, and Airne used Bormann’s Fantasy Theme/Rhetorical Vision approach to understand political cartoons on the Clinton-Lewinsky-Starr affair. Delbert and Benoit investigate the use of persuasive attack in music using two case studies: “Fighting Trousers” and “The Very Model of a Mad Attorney General. Seeger and Sellnow wrote about narratives of blame. They discussed the theory of persuasive attack. Then they addressed responses to blame. McLaughlin, Cody, and Rosenstein identified four types of reproaches, or utterances that provoke accounts or apologies: (1) expressing surprise or disgust; (2) suggesting that the person being reproached is morally or intellectually inferior; (3) requesting an account; and (4) rebuking another person.

Recent Research on Persuasive Assault and Character
Recent Research on Persuasive Assault and Character

Recent Research on Persuasive Assault and Character (Continuous)

Icks and Shiraev edited a collection of essays on character assassination. The chapters are grouped by time period: three essays each on character assassination in ancient Rome, the Middle Ages, early modern, and modern. Icks and Shiraev identify three key elements of character assassination. They stipulate that for a message to be considered character assassination, it must be intentional: “The attacker is deliberately attempting to damage the victim’s reputation.” Second, because “character attacks are concerned with reputation, they are by nature public.” Finally, they argue that veracity is not a defining feature of character assassination. Benoit and Dorries initially articulated the Theory of Persuasive Attack to provide structure to the literature in this area. It is based on Pomerantz’s analysis of complaints, which posits that complaints (or criticism or attacks) have two key components: blame and offensiveness.

Recent Research on Persuasive Assault and Character
Recent Research on Persuasive Assault and Character

Jealous Factors Cause Character Assassination

Have you ever been jealous of someone or tried to assassinate your character? It’s crazy, man. Jealousy is one of those things that I have to understand first. Do not try to understand somebody else’s jealousy. Listen to everyone’s jealousy. People often don’t express their jealousy by saying, “I’m jealous because of this,” and instead, they reveal the deep-seated events in their lives that have sparked it. What they feel about you may evoke memories of their father or mother. You may bring up a trigger that they are reluctant to express, or they may not even be aware of it. It’s also possible that they simply dislike your attractiveness without realizing it.

Jealous factor and Character Assassination
Jealous factor and Character Assassination

A Person Attacks on Possible Way

The fact that you’re attractive and they just want to fight you, people can’t like you because they like you and you don’t know anything about it, and people can’t like you because you made the team, they were terminated, and as a result, they are now envious of you. Attempting to comprehend the reasons for this will render you insane, so do not even waste your time. I’m emphasizing the importance of not allowing anyone to inflict physical harm on you. While I’m not referring to physical harm, it’s important to note that people may resort to extreme measures, such as creating fake profile pictures of you. People will create fake Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts. They’ll do all these things. You know how much energy that has, and you know how deeply rooted that jealousy is. You can’t fight.

A Person Attacks on Possible Way
A Person Attacks on Possible Way

What I do:

Just focus on the dreams and objectives that you have set for your life. Positive literature plays a crucial role in empowering you to confront those who are attacking your life and character. Your company’s role is critical; if your friends and peer group members are positive, their inner satisfaction and courage will give them, as well as you, the strength to overcome stress.

What I do:

I hope this article is more informative and will assist you in understanding character assassination. I am thankful to my readers for continuously supporting my efforts. The sole purpose of educating the community about new and emerging concepts.


Dr. Abid Hussain Nawaz

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