Thales: Philosopher Statement, Life Started With Water

Thales was the founder of this early school of philosophy. He was born in 624 BC and died in 556 BC. Died. Although his birth and death dates are unknown, this is his estimated birth date. There was a time when we didn’t even need to engage in this discussion, as the matter held minimal importance. At the time, it was customary for city-state rulers to invite thinkers and philosophers to discuss their states, but it is certain that Thales was a contemporary of Solon and Croesus, another influential Greek thinker. Proteus Gores and the unique state of Athens in Greece, where Socrates was born, crafted the state’s constitution, while Solon drafted it.

Thales was famous in ancient times for his knowledge, his intelligence, and his wisdom. People consider him an expert in the sciences of arithmetic and astronomy. People regard him as one of the world’s seven greatest sages. Due to his profound knowledge and wisdom, these seven Thales predicted the sun’s eclipse several days before it actually happened, earning them respect at the time.

Figure-1: Thales the philosopher
Figure-1: Thales the philosopher

All Material Objects Is Water

However, he was also an engineer, as he successfully diverted the Helles River, enabling his army to pass through it, which marked a significant advancement in astronomy. Not only did he excel in the aforementioned sciences, but he also paved the way. Despite these accomplishments, the details of his other life circumstances remain unknown. Up until Aristotle’s time, his entire philosophy was based on two specific statements. None of his writings were in public view. It is widely known that he did not leave any writing behind.

  1. The basis of all material objects is water, which means that the basic substance of all material objects is water and that everything that is water has come out of and will eventually get back into the water again.
  2. He claims that the earth is like a plate suspended in water. His first statement holds significance. This implies that water, the first primordial form of material existence, forms the basis of all other objects.

According to W. T. Stace, upon arriving here, two questions emerge in our minds.

  1. Why did Thales choose water as the main principle?
  2. And how water transforms other material objects in the world into their present forms. The outstanding author himself.
Figure-2: Thales choose water
Figure-2: Thales choose water

Aristotle Views about Thales

Thales, according to Aristotle, made the general observation that every material being is primarily moist and that water is the primary source of heat, even for living organisms. Because the main substance of moist or moist things is water, according to the author, this explanation of Aristotle is quite correct: that life is based on water and that the seeds of everything are also basically moist or moist.

What’s it used for?

He expressed his opinion based on a conjecture or guess. In my opinion, this is Thales’ philosophy. However, it’s important to consider that Aristotle likely used the following when presenting this explanation: It is even more challenging to contemplate and respond to the question of how water gave rise to the entire material world.


The answer is not clear, so it is not even mentioned anywhere. Even Thales himself never attempted to consider such questions, and if he did, he didn’t come up with any suitable answers.

After all, the question must arise in the hearts of our people as to why Thales could present such an immature and incomplete theory.

Why did they bestow upon him the title of philosophy’s founder? What is the reason behind the belief that philosophy is its genesis?

Figure-3: Thales Rise to the Entire Material World
Figure-3: Thales Rise to the Entire Material World

Significance of Mr. Thales in the history of philosophy

The significance of Mr. Thales in the history of philosophy stems from his immature and incomplete theory of water. Distinguished writer W.T. Stace responds to the preceding queries, asserting that Thiele’s genuine significance does not stem from his designation as the originator of material philosophy.

The theory of water has a great significance in the workings of human life, or his theory that life has no benefit. Yes, this theory and its author are important because they are the first in human history. There was evidence and an attempt to describe the universe in an imaginary or conceptual way instead of describing the reality of the universe as natural, which should be explained using the scientific method. Although this was an immature and incomplete theory.

However, this physics knowledge was the first provable theory by which imaginary or speculative ideas replaced the material reality of the universe.

Instead, an attempt was made to describe it in a concrete and scientific way. Number two studies this important. First time to the question

How did this material world come into existence? This is the tangible, scientific foundation of this significant and fundamental inquiry.

The Ways of Answering identified a specific direction and method to address this question. During this period, it was important to explore the possibility of defining a single, definitive principle. During this period, it was common to think that the light of the universe came from its qualities, or colorful qualities, on a solid basis.

Accordingly, I made an attempt.

The special point that has emerged from all this discussion so far, and it is a very subtle and important point, is that the bag The foundation of the quarter theory was Thales’ general observations about the nature of the material objects in this world.

He formulated his theory based on his broad, personal observations and experiences. Secondly, he grounded his theory on the prevailing ideas of the era.

Figure-4 Significance of Mr. Thales in the history of philosophy
Figure-4 Significance of Mr. Thales in the history of philosophy

Material Objects of the Ordinary Material World

It was proposed that “we should find a way to describe the multi-colored conditions of this world on a concrete basis under a single concrete principle.”

It is now one thing to study and observe the material objects of the ordinary material world, as well as to be influenced by the prevailing principles of one’s age.

The basis of a conception, or its main reason, is a human being’s general observation or perceiving process. Following this general observation, a person engages in a perceptual process that shapes their perception of the world based on their initial thoughts. The term “perception” refers to the human thought process that occurs when one looks at objects outside of oneself.

According to him, the same question remained in the minds of all philosophers about the originality of this fundamental principle.

What is the nature or basis from which the material objects of this material world arise?

All the philosophical systems established by the sages were genuinely rational and scientific, with logical attempts to support them. We can categorize these philosophical systems based on the diverse solutions they offer.

As a result, Thales tried his luck in this field and declared that water is the world’s basic or ultimate reality.

Figure-5 the Nature or Basis From
Figure-5 the Nature or Basis From

Anaximenes Said That the Material World…

While Anaximander, after Thales, said that the world’s fundamental or ultimate reality is indeterminate matter, Anaximenes said that the material world, or ultimate reality, has happened.

The real reality is Empedocles followed Heraclitus in asserting that the real reality is fire. Empedocles asserts that the mixture of the four elements—earth, air, fire, and water—is the source of the basic or ultimate reality of things.

Perhaps this early period of historical philosophy is concerned with describing the fundamental or ultimate reality of the universe.

Thales was the founder of the era of philosophy’s description of this cosmic reality, which established the basic and ultimate reality of the material world.

had created a distinct route for comprehending the secret, and each path in subsequent philosophy was the one that had undergone verification.

Thales’ real importance is that he did not present a great philosophy about the world.

Rather, its real significance lies in establishing the basic and ultimate reality of this material world on a solid scientific basis, and in setting a specific path or direction of discovery based on a concrete or definitive scientific principle. This was basic and attracted people to the important question.

The distinguished author says that the study of this chapter revealed this fact to us. A side represents a movement, and a movement signifies progress. In this sense, we expect that philosophy arises from materialism. This is because human beings are inherently materialistic.

Question: What is the ultimate, fundamental reality of the universe or matter? The first answer was that the basic nature of this fact, or property, is water, while water is a thing. After Thales, two prominent thinkers are Anaximander and Anaximenes.

Figure-6 the Basic and Ultimate Reality
Figure-6 the Basic and Ultimate Reality

In Search Of the Ultimate Truth

He is a materialist, and the ideas and theories of his later thinkers gradually evolved. The process of disintegration created a gap in the thoughts of these thinkers. As a human being, instead of looking inside his own self, the beginning of action is to look outside of himself to external objects and the environment.

It does so by looking at and thinking about it. The character of this early period of philosophy was also determined by the very nature of man. In search of the ultimate truth, it seems that man’s own self is also a part of this material world’s environment.

But man’s intellectual eye has yet to focus on his own colorfulness. Human thought currently reflects the hues of its inherent essence. There is a constant quest for a conclusive explanation of the underlying cosmic nature. This explains the origin of the term Greek philosophy. The early era of philosophy remained within the confines of the cosmos, concealing the issues of human social life, psychology, ethics, and quantities, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Now, men’s eyes are on the material world.

Figure-8 In Search Of the Ultimate Truth
Figure-8 In Search Of the Ultimate Truth

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Dr. Abid Hussain Nawaz

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