An exceptional leader: Perhaps you are a high-achieving professional, or you are in a management position and wish to improve your leadership skills and develop exceptional habits. Who aspires to become an exceptional leader in the future? There are four leadership habits that are essential to be aware of. Start by engaging in big-picture thinking if you aspire to become an exceptional leader, rather than a mediocre one.
Thinking Big and Broad Picture in Mind
What sets managers apart from leaders is their ability to think big and make a vision. Management means that you are in charge of daily tasks and responsibilities. Because of this, you need to be proficient at managing people. Things change when you become a leader. Your day-to-day goals are too short-term. You need to shift your attention to a bigger picture. In real life, it can be challenging to come up with a long-term vision and plan how to reach it. Here are three ideas to help you begin. Learn about the organization’s corporate vision and goals. They will help you think about the big picture.
A leader on a team level should be in line with those corporate goals. In order to think big, set aside time for brainstorming. So many of us are busy, but you need mental space. We become preoccupied, which leads us to focus solely on daily tasks, thereby maintaining our short-term perspective. On the other hand, when we strive to cultivate a long-term vision that encompasses the big picture, we must create mental space in our work lives, take a step back from the situation, and ask questions that focus on the how or the why. Facing a situation will compel us to think more deeply and expansively.
Explaining the “why” properly is important
As a leader, your ability to think strategically is crucial for your team, particularly when you aim to inspire them to contribute. When you achieve your big goals, the why provides context, enabling others to understand the purpose and reason behind your achievement. This enables them to understand why they should assist you in achieving your ambitious goals. This is crucial because, like you, your team needs to see the big picture clearly. If they don’t, you may already understand why the goal is important, and this understanding motivates you to achieve it. If your team doesn’t understand the connection between the goal and its purpose, they won’t be motivated to achieve it. They should also accomplish the goal; if they don’t, they won’t experience the same level of motivation as you do. They will likely perform the necessary tasks adequately, but they won’t have the same level of passion or intention as you. If they fully support you, the why also enables your team to determine whether the smaller goals they are pursuing individually will contribute to the larger vision? If you like what you’ve learned so far, you can clearly link the why and the goals to the vision you have.
Communication: Practice for Clear Communication
Communication is the next habit you need if you want to become an exceptional leader, which means that your speech is a reflection of your thinking. This implies that you must first arrange your thoughts in your mind before conveying them in relation to the specific tasks that your team members must complete. As a leader in your team, it’s crucial for you to understand the specific tasks and their appropriate execution methods. So you can clearly explain this process to them, you also need to be clear in terms of deadlines and expectations. So when you delegate to people in your team, make sure you allocate. It’s important to take some time to clearly communicate the deadline and expectations you have for each team member, as this often leads to poor task performance. Because of the skill level or lack of skill level of the people in your team, it’s often because of a lack of communication from the leader. When they are explaining what they want their team to do and what they expect of them. You must have a clear understanding of these expectations in order to effectively communicate them to your team. It’s important to remember that repeated communication can be beneficial in leadership. Make sure you allow time for your team to ask you questions so they can clarify their understanding on their end too. Ensuring alignment and maximizing the likelihood of achieving your major objectives is crucial, and when they pose questions, it’s crucial to actively listen to them.
Listen to your subordinate: Do you listen well enough?
Every interaction with them should incorporate this, they advise. Listening is one of the key skills and habits that exceptional leaders practice. In my opinion, it is their hidden gem that makes them exceptional. How often have you heard others criticize leaders? Who doesn’t listen to leaders who look at you when you’re talking, even though you know they’re not truly understanding what you’re, They don’t really understand what you’re saying; this may have happened to you at some point in your career.
When your team talks to you, clear your mind of distractions to be exceptional. When someone on your team has a question, a struggle, or a problem, those distractions don’t matter at that moment. They’re telling you that this should be the only thing on your mind that you need. If you want the opportunity to assist them in overcoming a problem, question, or struggle, you should create a free mental space for them. If you want them to continue working towards the big goals you’ve set, it’s in your best interest to set aside this time.
Listening managers can provide employees with the leadership support they actually need rather than what they think their employees need, which is, of course, one of the biggest obstacles that emerging leaders must overcome. If emerging leaders aspire to become exceptional leaders, their mindset plays a crucial role. There are numerous mental blocks that can impede their ability to become effective leaders. I encourage you to start working through these mindset blocks.
If you want to know about the emotional intelligence of leaders, read this article for more learning and understanding.
Dr. Abid Hussain Nawaz
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“Thank you for sharing your insights on the habits of highly effective leaders in the workplace! Your article was informative, engaging, and packed with valuable tips and strategies. Your writing style was clear and concise, making it easy to understand and relate to. Your expertise and research shine through in every paragraph. Keep sharing your knowledge and inspiring others to become better leaders!