Gut-Brain Interaction: The Second Brain Phenomena

Do you want to understand the root causes of diseases? Why do we fall sick? Do you want to strengthen your health foundation? If the answer is yes, then today you need to understand a specific term, which is ‘second brain.’ Have you ever thought about the two major components in your body? First, I’ll talk about your stomach, which is the gut. In the first centuries, it was believed that we ate food that went to the stomach, and the stomach digested it.

However, in these centuries, it is believed that the gut is much more than a stomach. The key point is that the gut connects directly with our brain. Ayurveda has long recognized the direct connection between our gut and our mind. The intriguing aspect is that in the past, when a patient experienced brain problems, the healer believed that heat was present in the brain. Therefore, he would treat the patient’s stomach to quickly heal the brain.

Enteric Nervous System

For a long time, medical science didn’t believe that the stomach and brain had any connection. But now they believe that there is a network connection between the stomach and the brain. The marketing concept suggests that your stomach contains a second brain, known as the enteric nervous system (ENS). ? This enteric nervous system contains almost a hundred million neurons, just as many as in the spinal cord. It has its own system; we call it the second brain.

The important point is that there is a regular connection between your first and second brains. What happens in the gut for each and every piece of information communicated to the brain? We now understand that whenever you are in a negative mood, your stomach gets upset. Whenever you are stressed, you experience constipation, loose motions, and bloating. When your stomach upset, you feel low and get irritated. But many doctors did not acknowledge this until today.

Figure 1: Connection between Your First and Second Brains
Figure 1: Connection between Your First and Second Brains

Immune system of Gut

It’s crucial to recognize that our gut system possesses a more robust immune system compared to the overall immune system found in our blood and bone marrow. These gut immune cells are responsible for combating pathogens or bacteria that you consume. Your gut’s important immune system produces 98% serotonin, the happiness chemical found in your second brain that regulates your happy mood. This serotonin production is dependent on what you eat. Eating the right food makes you feel happy and in a good mood because it keeps your brain fresh, as is commonly said in India. Eating bad food can lead to feelings of irritation. Interestingly, this second brain is so active that it instantly sends signals to the first brain in response to an attack by a bacteria or pathogen. This is known as a gut feeling. Many times, you may have experienced a gut feeling, similar to a premonition that is more reliable than your mind’s logic. This gut feeling often originates from your second brain.

Figure 2: Premonition
Figure 2: Premonition

Communication between first and second gut brain

Therefore, if you want to receive a good living, remain happy, produce improved results in your business, make the correct decisions, associate with good people, and attract low production towards yourself, then you should feed on better food. The second is equally important: do not abandon it. The body gets connected directly to the primary brain and the gut feelings which the second brain sends are immediately responded to by the primary brain. Your brain gets a positive message when the sensation is good and gets an emergency signal when the sensation is bad to counter balance your activities.

The signals you feel in your abdomen affect your head by the use of nerves. This can lead to conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome which is a very familiar gastrointestinal disease that displays features such as vomiting and gas among others. If this intestinal disease continues to manifest, it may result to affecting your brain. It can react with your immune system and affect body cells; this leads to skin diseases, diabetes and affects the brain as well.

Figure-3 Your Abdomen Affect Your Head
Figure-3 Your Abdomen Affect Your Head

Healthy Food Leads To Healthy Life

Thus, it ultimately inculcates the notion that it is very essential to look after your stomach if you do not want to contract these diseases. It means that one needs to ensure that they take healthy foods, avoid bad foods like alcohol and also ensure that they do not engage in behaviors that can make them annoyed. Even though you might not know this, your intestines possess a large part of your immunity and this really dictates your health.

Figure-4: A Good Diet Plan for Healthy Life
Figure-4: A Good Diet Plan for Healthy Life

Thus, the second brain is in some way linked to the first brain. Other tips include having a balanced diet and being happy, for the good health of the brains is vital. Therefore, do not take for granted the second brain and be sure to look after it well.

Rumana Gull

Scholar Master of Philosophy Biological Sciences

If you are interested please read the article about the brain

Brain: Brain Development Stages Mother Womb to Death

Universe a Brain: The Human Mind and The Cosmic Web Resemblance

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  1. Eman Fatima says:

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