AI Tutor Support: AI vs Human Teacher

Traditional learning employs a customized approach, treating all students equally. Every learner has unique qualities with different strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. The AI tutor utilizes advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze vast amounts of data and deliver personalized learning experiences. The AI tutor is easily accessible, allowing learners to study at their own pace. This convenience ensures that learners can access learning resources, seek interpretation on concepts, and receive immediate feedback whenever they need it. The AI tutor acts as a reliable companion, guiding students through their educational journey and enhancing their understanding and retention of the subject matter.

Figure 1: AI tutor in the class
Figure 1: AI tutor in the class

AI tutor leading the students

The field of education plays a critical role in national development. The purpose of education is not to strengthen the nation but to unite it. As individuals, we should ask ourselves what would happen if humans did not pursue education. A man cannot enjoy the beauty of the world. A person without an education lives in darkness. The advancements alter the way we think and educate. The complexity of the educator can only be solved if the teacher is available for the students and answers all the questions that the students keep in mind. But what happens if the tutor is always within your reach, and you can shorten the list of issues and problems? Technology handles this for us, with AI serving as our tutor. We have reached a point where we can access unlimited information whenever we need it.

Figure 2: Machine AI Tutor in the Class Performing Activities
Figure 2: Machine AI Tutor in the Class Performing Activities

Intelligence Tutoring Systems

AI tutors, also known as intelligence tutoring systems, are available. These systems are computer-based and utilize artificial intelligence to provide personal assistance. The majority of the studies demonstrated that artificial intelligence has an impact on students’ learning. The students, thanks to the AI tutor, can access the data, learn more, and motivate themselves. The support of artificial intelligence provides strength, and the students can prepare themselves for the examination with the help of the AI tutors. It may depend on the students what type of information they are getting from the AI tutors and how they can utilize it for their examination preparation. 

Figure 3: Intelligence Tutoring Systems
Figure 3: Intelligence Tutoring Systems

The countries using AI course

With $249 billion in private funding and nearly 60% of “top-tier” AI researchers, the US is leading the pack. Some countries, such as China, Japan, and Singapore, have already begun incorporating AI-focused curricula into their educational systems and are actively advocating for the incorporation of AI components into teacher training. However, other nations are still making progress. South Korea has invested heavily in artificial intelligence. South Korea aims to incorporate AI coursework into all national curriculum courses for every grade level by 2025. The Keris unit is designing and motivating teachers, as well as arranging programs to keep in mind the importance of AI.

Figure 4: Countries using AI tutors
Figure 4: Countries using AI tutors

Schools are using AI Tutor

Makerlabs Edutech unveiled India’s first AI-generated school teacher robot at a grand event in a Kerala school. Artificial intelligence and the promise of AI tutors are revolutionizing the way we learn, offering personalized learning and efficient exam preparation. However, this technology is still young, and relying solely on AI for exam success can be risky. AI systems can make mistakes, offer incomplete information, and lack the nuanced understanding needed for complex subjects. Algorithms and data power AI tutors, but they lack the real-world experience and judgment of humans. Educators and human tutors understand the nuances of a student’s struggles. They can adapt their approach based on individual learning styles.

Figure 5: Schools are using AI Tutors
Figure 5: Schools are using AI Tutors

AI Tutors Replace The Human?

AI tutors, while improving, are still catching up in this area. The attraction of AI in education is undeniable; it offers convenience, accessibility, and personalized learning paths, but the question remains: can AI replace human educators in preparing students for crucial exams? The answer is complex. While AI offers benefits like 24/7 availability and vast data processing, it cannot replicate the human touch. This essay will explore instances where AI-based exam preparation fell short. We’ll examine the shortcomings of AI tutors and emphasize the value of human expertise. Finally, we’ll discuss the responsible integration of AI in education, advocating for a balanced approach that combines technology with humans.

Figure 6: AI Tutors Replace the Human
Figure 6: AI Tutors Replace the Human

AI Tutor for Examination preparation

Real-world examples and guidance When AI gets it wrong, Real-world examples of AI’s limitations become clear. When we examine real-world examples of AI’s failures in exam preparation, we can consider the case of a student who heavily relied on AI to prepare for a medical licensing exam. The student relied heavily on an AI-powered study app, which provided inaccurate information about a specific medical procedure, potentially leading to serious consequences.  If the student had not recognized the error and consulted a human expert, another example involves a student using an AI tutor for a history exam. The AI provided a simplified and biased account of a historical event; it lacked the context and diverse perspectives offered by a human teacher. This oversimplification could lead to a flawed understanding of the subject matter. These examples highlight a crucial limitation of AI.

Figure 7: AI Tutors Providing the Guidance in Examination
Figure 7: AI Tutors Providing the Guidance in Examination

Its reliance on data AI systems are only as good as the data they train on; incomplete, outdated, or biased data will reflect these flaws in AI’s responses, especially in fields like history and social sciences. The evolution of interpretations and perspectives is a continuous process. The potential consequences of relying solely on AI for exam preparation are significant for Students might assimilate erroneous data, gain a superficial comprehension of intricate ideas, and potentially internalize detrimental prejudices, underscoring the necessity for human supervision in AI-driven systems.

The limits of AI learning

Oversimplification and bias learning are the limits of AI learning. Oversimplification and bias AI systems often struggle with the nuances and complexities of human knowledge; they tend to oversimplify information and present it in a black-and-white manner. This can be detrimental in subjects that require critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and an understanding of multiple perspectives. For example, an AI tutor tasked with teaching students about climate change might present the scientific consensus on climate change as absolute truth without acknowledging the complexities of the issue or the ongoing debates within the scientific community.

Figure 8: Limits of AI about learning perspective
Figure 8: Limits of AI about learning perspective

AI Tutor Trained On a Data Set

This simplistic presentation could prevent students from developing a nuanced understanding of the topic. An AI tutor trained on a data set of historical texts might exhibit gender bias, downplaying the contributions of women in history through oversimplification and potential biases. AI highlights the need for human educators to curate learning materials and guide discussions. Human teachers can provide context, challenge assumptions, and encourage students to think critically about the information.

Figure 9: Ai Tutors Are Setting the Data
Figure 9: Ai Tutors Are Setting the Data

Experience, judgment, and ethics provide the human advantage. Human educators possess equities that are difficult, if not impossible, to replicate in AI systems. Experience, judgment, and ethical reasoning are crucial for effective teaching and learning. These qualities allow human educators to tailor their approach to individual student needs. They provide constructive feedback and foster a love of learning. A seasoned teacher brings years of experience to the classroom. They have encountered countless student questions, misconceptions, and learning styles. This experience allows them to anticipate student needs, adapt their teaching methods, and provide personalized support.

Figure 10: Experienced Judge the Feelings and Emotions
Figure 10: Experienced Judge the Feelings and Emotions

AI tutors, while capable of collecting data on student performance, lack the intuitive understanding that comes with years of experience. Moreover, human educators possess judgment and the ability to make informed decisions based on incomplete information and complex situations. They can assess a student’s understanding, identify areas where they are struggling, and adjust their teaching accordingly. This judgment is essential for providing effective feedback and guidance. Finally, ethical principles guide human educators. They strive to create a fair and inclusive learning environment, promote critical thinking, and encourage students to become responsible citizens. Although we can program AI systems with ethical guidelines, they lack the moral compass and empathy of human educators.

Figure 11: Lack of Emotions Understanding In AI
Figure 11: Lack of Emotions Understanding In AI

This article discusses the implementation of both AI tutors and human teachers. I hope this article will be a good piece of information for all readers.

Dr. Abid Hussain Nawaz

Post Doc, PhD, MPhil


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