Olympic Games and AI: AI For Future Young Athletes

Olympic Games is poised to be significantly influenced by artificial intelligence technologies from enhancing athlete performance, identifying new talent poor transforming viewer experience and streamlining event management. AI is set to play a central role in the Paris 2024 Olympics and beyond as these technologies evolve, they promised to create a more connected efficient and engaging Olympic experience for athletes and fans.

Olympic Games and AI
Figure-1: Olympic Games and AI

Anti- Doping Measure And AI

The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) plays a significant role in enhancing anti- doping measure in elite weightlifting and possibly extends to other applications. By providing novel approaches, AI helps to enhance the integrity of competitive athletics. Emphasizing the development of robust AI methodologies can improve the detection of doping, thereby promoting fair competition and support.

International Olympic Committee about AI

The International Olympic Committee has launched the Olympic agenda, a strategic initiative aimed to harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence to transform the world of supports.  This agenda recognizes the growing the importance of modern artificial intelligence in modern society and the need for a holistic approach to explore its benefits while mitigating potential risk.

The Principles of IOC Olympic about AI

The International Olympic Committee has developed five guiding principles: Foster integrity, improve access and fairness, scale creation and distribution of meaningful moments, optimized operation and impact and empower people and organization. The agenda of Olympic outlines that focused area where artificial intelligence can transform support and Olympic Games. These are included supporting athletes promoting clean competition and safe support, ensuring equal access to the benefits of artificial intelligence, optimizing Olympic and Paralympic Games operation with the focus on sustainability growing engagement with people driving efficiency across the management of IOC and support.

The Future Gold Medalist and AI

A new artificial intelligence power talents sporting system is being tested by Olympic fans in an attempt to identify future gold medalist winners. this is a technology which is being used the Paris 2024 Olympics games to find the gold medalist of the future by analyzing physical attribution and offering new opportunities for attributes.

Physical Attributes in Olympic And AI

The AI powered system works by scanning the physical attributes of young athletes such as their height, weight and body composition. it then compares these attributes successful Olympians in various support looking for patterns and potential indicators of future success. The system uses machine learning algorithm to analyze vast amount of data including historical performance records biomechanical data are even video footage of athletes in action, by identifying the key physical characteristics shared by top performance a can pinpoint young athletes with the potential to excel in specific Olympic events.

Olympic Games and AI in future
Figure-2: Olympic Games and AI in future

Earlier Age Talent And AI

One of the main benefits of this artificial intelligence technology is its ability to identify talent at an early age allowing for targeted training and sports to help young athletes reach their full potential supporting. future Olympians before they even began competing at the highest level the system can provide them with the resources and guidance they need to succeed.

A system evaluates participant series of physical test such as running, jumping and grip strength measurement. the data collected is compared against benchmark for professional and Olympic athletes who assesses athletic potential this method allows fair comparative analysis of individual capabilities relative to elite athlete athletics which is promising approach for identifying talent.

The AI, Games and Olympic
Figure-3: The AI, Games and Olympic

The Remarks of Professor John Brewer

Professor John Brewer an expert of identification acknowledges that system value part preliminary assessment particularly in revealing skills and agility. that may indicate potential in specific supports ever, he cautions that the system bases measurement may not capture off all the necessary attributes for more complex sports such as a football. That cannot be assessed through simple video analysis alone.

Dr. Abid Hussain Nawaz, Post Doc and Ph.D.

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