Unpacking Mpox: The Virus You Should Know About

“There’s a fine line between awareness and panic- today we discuss the realities of Mpox.”

What is Mpox?

Mpox epidemic named as “Monkey pox”, then the name Mpox was derived in 2022. Mpox is actually a serious viral disease caused by the “monkey pox virus”. The variola virus form the cause of this virus which causes small pox but Mpox is less harshed than the small pox.

In 1958 Mpox was first show in monkeys. And the first human it identified in 1970.

Unpacking Mpox
Figure-1: Unpacking Mpox

Classification of Virus Monkey pox

Family Poxviridae
Genus Orthopoxvirus
Species Monkeypox Virus

Symptoms of Mpox

The symptom of Mpox is its rash, which moving through several stages, Beginning with flat red spots that developed into bumps, vesicles, pustules and finally scabs. These rashes starts on the face and then spreads to other parts of the body.

Before the rash appears, early symptoms may include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Fatigue

The duration of flu-like symptom usually emerge within 6 to 13 days of exposure to the Virus and take as long as 21 days to appear.

Spreading of Mpox

Zoonotic Transmission:

Zoonotonic transmission of virus is Spreading through the infected animals contacted with humans.

Human to Human Transmission

Mpox is less severe than other virus’s like COVID-19 or the flu ,it can spread through direct physical contact with the body fluids, lesions and respiratory droplets of an infected person.

Other sources of transmission:

By the contaminated bedding, clothing, foods and even shared items like utensils etc.

Is Mpox Deadly?

Mpox is not as severe as smallpox, and most cases resolve on their within 2 to 4 weeks. Certain groups such as children, pregnant women, and individuals with comprised immune systems are a greater risk of severe disease and complications, including secondary infections, pneumonia and eye infections that could lead to vision loss.

There are two strains of the Mpox Virus:

West African Clade:

This strain is milder and with a lower-case fatality rate of around 1%.

Congo Basin Clade (central Africa):

This strain is more virulent, with a case fatality rate of up to 10%.

Treatment of Mpox:

There is no specific antiviral approved for Mpox, some antiviral drugs such as tecovirimat and cidofovir that developed for small pox treating in severe cases.


How to protect yourself

The smallpox vaccine offers around 85% of protection against Mpox and remains one of the most effective preventive measures specially in high-risk areas.

In addition to vaccination, other preventive measures include:

  • Avoiding contacted with infected animals
  • Proper hygiene practice such as regular hand washing etc.
  • Personal protective equipment for healthcare
Care About Unpacking Mpox
Figure-2: Care About Unpacking Mpox

Final Thoughts

The Mpox reminds that some viral diseases may seem regulated to the past and still present a threat especially as environmental changes having the boundaries between humans and wildlife.  Public health authorities are working hard to increase awareness and improve diagnostic.

This blog structure offers a through approachable overview of Mpox, designed to reader the importance of awareness and prevention.

Rumana Gull, Scholar Master of Philosophy Biological Sciences

Dr. Abid Hussain Nawaz, Ph.D.

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